Westview Baptist Church is a covenant community of faith in Jesus Christ seeking to live in covenant agreement to love and support each other in our endeavours to bring glory to God as a community of faith in western Sydney. It has been our practice, practically since our church was established 38 years ago, to covenant as a community to support those people from our community who we set aside for full time ministry. Over the years this has included Bob and Jocelyn Stock and Tony and Wendy Calman. As this exciting year of evaluation and change has unfolded we now have JJ and Soona Bomford, called by God and with the encouragement of the whole church community, serving our church in full time ministry and so we want to support them in their roles, by the grace of God, as we have done with others in the past. Likewise, as Tony and Wendy look to undertake new roles in a broader ministry with other churches, it is appropriate that we review their current covenant arrangements to ensure that they continue to be loved and cared for by our church community.
And so, based on principles founded on the scriptures and good practices over many years, the elders and deacons ask you to prayerfully consider the covenant documents that have been circulated to the church, seek your comments, concerns and any changes you think necessary with a view to having these covenants affirmed at the next WRAP meeting (October 9th, 2016) and then enacted at a subsequent Sunday morning meeting. We ask that your input to this matter be addressed to either Lee, Kath or Steve, not to Tony, Wendy, JJ or Soona directly. Paper copy can be found on the back table or viewed online at https://goo.gl/zRlEju Comments are closed.
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